
Chess players encyclopedia

Showing 271-300 of 38,791 items.
Player NameRatingRapidBlitz rating
Cohn, ErichCohn, Erich
Capellini, EstebanCapellini, Esteban
Charousek, RezsoCharousek, Rezso
Chaude de Silans, ChantalWIMChaude de Silans, Chantal
Chauvenet, LChauvenet, L
Cohn, WilhelmCohn, Wilhelm
Colijn, StefanColijn, Stefan
Colditz, AColditz, A
Colin, BColin, B
Colle, EdgarColle, Edgar
Collia, JuanCollia, Juan
Cope, RayCope, Ray
Cramwinckel, GideonCramwinckel, Gideon
Crefcoeur, HansCrefcoeur, Hans
Crefcoeur, MaartenCrefcoeur, Maarten
Crefcoeur, RemcoCrefcoeur, Remco
Crepeaux, RobertCrepeaux, Robert
Cristia, JoseCristia, Jose
Crompvoets, RobertCrompvoets, Robert
De Boer, SanneDe Boer, Sanne
De Bruijn, EdwinDe Bruijn, Edwin
De Bruijn, ThijsDe Bruijn, Thijs
Crnilovic, GregCrnilovic, Greg
Dasco, LarryDasco, Larry
De Bruin, NielsDe Bruin, Niels
De Clerck, BartDe Clerck, Bart
De Cloet, JeanineDe Cloet, Jeanine
De Cloet, JeroenDe Cloet, Jeroen
De Glopper, JaapDe Glopper, Jaap
De Freitas, JoseDe Freitas, Jose

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